Monday, September 3, 2018

U.S. Flag On Covers of Hustler Magazine

The depiction of the U.S. flag on the cover of Hustler magazine has been controversial over the years, which began with the infamous second anniversary issue (Super Bicentennial Edition) of Hustler in July 1976.  The following is a pictorial history of the use of the flag by Hustler magazine:

After September 11, 2001, Hustler magazine ran a small U.S. flag under the "Hustler" logo on the covers starting with the January 2002 issue and extending to the June 2003 issue.  This little flag can be seen on the July 2002 issue shown above (just below where it says "HARD-CORE SINCE '74").  That small flag is on every issue from January 2002 until June 2003, with the exception of the Hustler April 2003 issue with Jenna Jameson on the cover.  Then, starting with the July 2003 issue (pictured below, which features an image of Krystal Steal holding a flag) they stopped using it.

My favorite image from Hustler magazine in which an American flag is visible is the remake of Washington Crossing the Delaware with McKenzie Lee as "Lady Liberty" in place of George Washington from the July 2006 issue (photographed by Matti Klatt):

The two most controversial photo spreads in Hustler magazine involving the American flag that I remember seeing over the years include Robin from the August 1981 issue, in which she can be seen spreading her knees and showing the world what she's got while her butt cheeks are seated directly on a flag that is touching the floor:

 And the political satire entitled "Slime" from the December 1988 issue, which depicts a political candidate screwing around with two female campaign workers and even simulating sex on top of a flag that is lying on a wooden floor:

The most famous (or infamous) incident involving Larry Flynt and the U.S. flag occurred in November of 1983, when Flynt wore an American flag as a diaper in protest to a court appearance (citing First Amendment rights) and was subsequently jailed for six months for desecration of the flag.

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